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Selasa, 29 Mei 2012


Highway Pacet KM.09 Simbaringin Kutorejo Mojokerto (0321) 7485141
NIS: 201030 NPSN: 2057089 Email: smpitalazhar@gmail.com
Subjects      : ENGLISH
 Day / Date. :
Class / Smt. : VII / 2
Time            : 80 Minutes
Name: .....................
Class : .....................
No     : .....................

 Mr. Erwin Y., S.T.

A.    Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

Rounded Rectangle: To : Atiek
Sorry honey, I can’t fulfill my promise 2 go with u 2 Ari’s birthday party 2 night. 

1.     The text above is a/an ….
a.     Announcement
b.     Invitation
c.     Advertisement
d.     Short message
2.     Who will have a birthday party tonight ?
a.     Mr. Bambang
b.     Anton
c.     Ari
d.     Atiek

Text for item no 3 to 6
I have a new member in my family. It is a cat. I call it Messy.
Messy has soft white fur and like to click its paws. It is also very curious and like to explore its new surroundings. It likes milk and fish a lot and waits eagerly as I prepare the meal.
Beside, the cat that my father took from the road is very important : for me it gives me some lessons about “cat’s walk”. When it is near me, it always purrs. The expresses its friendship with me. When it is curious, it sticks its whickers straight out and twitches with excitement. Sometimes it approaches something carefully with ears pricked forward. This shows it’s alert.
Messy likes me a lot. I know this because it always follows me whenever I o out. I think God for giving me such a nice cat.

3.     The description of the cat be found in paragraph ….
a.     1 and 2
b.     2 and 3
c.     1 and 3
d.     3 and 4
4.     Which the following statement is NOT TRUE about Messy ?
a.     It is a cat with soft white fur and likes to click it paws.
b.     To express its friendship to the writer, it always purrs.
c.     The writer thinks that the cat likes him very much.
d.     The writer’s father found the cat at home.
5.     “I know this is the way to say hello” what does the word “this” in the sentence refer to?
a.     Bumps its head
b.     Sticks its whiskers
c.     Pricks its ears
d.     Waits eagerly
6.     “ … and twitches with excitement” the synonym of the underlined word is …
a.     Diligent
b.     Pleasure
c.     Careful
d.     Beautiful

Text for items no 7 to 9

Rounded Rectangle: HOUSE FOR SALE
An old, antique, European, and full furnished house.
Newly removated
It has all parts of rooms including basement and under ground garage.
Anyone who interested with, please call or come to the address for further information. Contact person : Daniel, Blue park Avenue No : 4332 A west Jakarta (021) 3334445556.
Visit me after lunch from Monday to Friday during March.
Surely you ‘II like it after seeing it.

7.     From the advertisement above we know that …
a.     We can only get information by visiting the address
b.     The house has nothing inside
c.     The house has no living room and kitchen
d.     The house is old but it was renovated recently
8.     Anyone who interested with, please call or came to the address for further information. What does the underlined word probably refer to ? It refer to …
a.     Daniel
b.     The owner of the house
c.     The writer of the ads
d.     The readers
9.     How can people know the price of the house ?
a.     By calling Daniel
b.     By visiting the address
c.     By visiting Jakarta Post
d.     By
For item no. 10 to 13
Making Party Cakes
        3 tablespoon butter
        ¼ cup castor sugar
        1 egg
        ¼ teaspoon vanilla
        Pinch salt
        ¼ cup milk
        Bear bitter and sugar to cream
        Add light beaten egg and vanilla beat well.
        Sift flour and salt together
        Fold in dry ingredients alternately with milk and mix well
        Drop heaped teaspoon full of mixture into well-greased patty tins or paper
        Bake I a moderately hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes.
        Cool on wire rack
        Ice with butter icing

10.      The genre of text is…
a.     Descriptive
b.     Narrative
c.     Recount
d.     procedure
11.      The following is the generic structure of the text above, except
a.     Goal
b.     Material
c.     Steps
d.     Resolution
12.      To make patty cakes we need …
a.     Salt, flour, sugar, milk, pepper
b.     Salt, flour, sugar, chilies, vanilla
c.     Flour, sugar, chilies, vanilla, milk
d.     Sugar, milk, salt, vanilla, flour
13.      The are ……. Steps to make patty cakes
a.     Five
b.     Six
c.     Seven
d.     Eight

For items no. 14 to 16

To : All student of SMP Bina Bangsa

In the framework of National Education Day the student Board Organization will hold some interesting program. They are English Speech Contest and Class wall Magazine Competition. The program will be held on May 2nd, 2009, started from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. All classes must take part in the programs.
For detailed information, please contact Mr. Andi, the coordinator of this program

14.      What is the announcement above ?
a.     A student Board Organization
b.     An English Speech Contest
c.     A National Education day Celebration
d.     A National Education Day Ceremony
15.      Based on the announcement above, these statements are correct, except ,…
a.     Two competitions will be held on the national Education Day
b.     All classes must follow the contest
c.     Mr. Andi is in charge to organize the programs
d.     The programs will last for 4 hours
16.      “All classes must take party in the programs”. The underlain word has the same meaning as …
a.     Attend
b.     Visit
c.     Participate
d.     Gather

For items no. 17 to 21
Mrs. Sri            :  what can I do for you ?
Mrs. Peni         :  I need onion. What’s the price ?
Mrs. Sri            :  A kilogram of onion is Rp. 4500.-
Mrs. Peni         : Oh. It’s too expensive. May I  bargain ?
Mrs. Sri            :  Of course you may. how much ?
Mrs. Peni         :  How about Rp. 3000.- a kilo ?
Mrs Sri             :  All right. How mush do you need?
Mrs Peni          :  Three kilograms, please !
Mrs. Sri            :  Here you are.  Anything else ?
Mrs. Peni         :  Do you have a potatoes ? I need two kilos.
Mrs. Sri            :  I am sorry I don’t have any.  You can buy them at Mrs. Eni’s stall.
Mrs. Peni         :  Is it far from here ?
Mrs. Sri            : No, it is not.  It is beside the butcher over there.
Mrs. Peni         :  OK.  I’ll go there.  Here is the money.

17.      Who is Mrs. Peni ?  She is ….
a.     The seller
b.     The buyer
c.     Shop Assistant
d.     The butcher

18.      How much money does Mrs. Peni pay for onions ?
a.     Rp.  4.500,-
b.     Rp.  13.500,-
c.     Rp.  3.000,-
d.     Rp.  9.000,-

19.      Where does Mrs. Peni buy potatoes ?  She buys them at ….
a.     Mrs. Sri’s stall
b.     The butcher
c.     Mrs. Eni’s stall
d.     The shop

20.      I am sorry.  I don’t have any.  The word “I” refers to …
a.     Mrs. Sri
b.     Mrs. Eni
c.     Mrs. Peni
d.     The butcher

21.      If a kilogram of potatoes is Rp.  3.500,- how much money does Mrs. Peni pay to Mrs. Eni ?
a.     Rp.  4.500,-
b.     Rp.  7.000,-
c.     Rp.  5.000,-
d.     Rp.  10.500,-

For item No. 22 and 21

Rounded Rectangle: Tropical Fruit Juice
ü 4 slices (400 gr) papayas
ü 1 slices (100 gr) pineapple
ü 1 tablespoon red syrup
ü 1 piece (300 gr) soursoup
ü Some ice cubes
What to do :
1) Put the slices of papaya, pineapple, red syrup together with some ice cubes into a blender and blend them on high for one minute.
2) Next do the same to the remaining soursoup,   vanilla syrup and some ice cubes.
3) Finally, pour the juice into some glasses, the white juice is on the bottom and the red juice is on the top

22. The text shows us about how to make a kind of …
a.     Food
b.     Drink
c.     Cake
d.     Meal

23. What should we do after pouring the juice into the glass?
a.     Blending the remaining syrup, vanilla syrup and some ice cubes
b.     Blending papaya, pineapple, red syrup and ice cubes
c.     Cutting papayas and pineapple into slices
d.     Serving the juice and enjoy it

For item No. 24 to 29
Marina Supermarket

Marina Supermarket is vey popular in our town.  It is located on Jalan Brigjen Katamso.  It has a lot of employees.  Most of them are shop assistants.  All of the shop assistans are girls.  They are beautiful.  They are High School graduate.
There are three floors in Marina Supermarket.  Each of them has different kinds of goods.  The first floor is for clothes.  Here we can find T-shirt, jeans, shirts, coats, blouses, skirts, sweaters, jackets, and dress.  We can also find many kinds of shoes, socks, belts, hats, ties and under-wear. The second floor is for foodstuff, like rice, sugar, salt, butter, coffee, flour, etc. there are also fruits and vegetables in this floor. The third floor is for toys and accessories. Here, we can also find books.
In Marina Supermarket, the buyers choose and take the things by themselves. Than using trolley or a basket they bring the things a trolley or a baskets they bring the things they want to buy to the cashier. After paying the buyers may get the things home. It is nice to shop in Marina supermarket because the shop assistans are friendly. Sometimes we also get an interesting discount. We usually get it on December an January.

24. What are most of the employees at Marina Supermarket ?
a.     Managers
b.     Workers
c.     Shop assistans
d.     Sellers
25. Where can the buyers find books ?
a.     First floor
b.     Second floor
c.     Third floor
d.     Fourth floor
26. Why can’t the buyers find book in the second floor ?
a.     The supermarket doesn’t sell it
b.     The toys are the first floor
c.     The second floor is food stuff
d.     The second floor is for clothes
27. How do the buyers get the things at Marina Supermarket ?
a.     The shop assistant server them
b.     The owners serves them
c.     They choose and take the things by themselves
d.     They should bring a credit card
28. What do they use to bring the goods to the cashier ?
a.     Plastic bag
b.     Trolley
c.     A big bag
d.     Box
29. What must the buyers do before they bring the goods home ?
a.     Playing for the goods
b.     Going to the cashier
c.     Returning the trolley
d.     Taking a basket
30. Which qualification must the teacher candidate have ?
a.     Explicit
b.     Expired
c.     Expressive
d.     Experience
31. The word “required” is similar in meaning to ….
a.     Called
b.     Helped
c.     Trained
d.     Needed

For items no. 32 to 34

The bicycle is in terrible condition. The seat is completely broken and the bags are old dirty. It doesn’t have chain, the brakes don’t work very well and ore of the tires isn’t new. There aren’t many extras. Only an old bell, a pump and a can of oil

32. The text above is ….
a.     Description
b.     Procedure
c.     Advertisement
d.     Message
33. Which one is true ?
a.     The bicycle is new
b.     The bicycle has no tire
c.     The bicycle has no bags
d.     The bicycle has a bell
34. The owner of the bicycle cannot ride it because …
a.     The bicycle has no bell
b.     The bicycle has no oil can
c.     The bicycle has no brake
d.     The bicycle has no chain

For items no. 35 to 45 are outside the text
35. Sundaymarket – goesthetoeverymotherSusan’s
1           2            3           4         5          6            7           8
The best arrangement is …
a.     6-1-8-7-3-5-4-2
b.     8-7-3-2-4-5-6-1
c.     8-7-3-6-1-5-2-4
36. Erna :  What is your hobby ?
Ririn          :  My hobby is collecting stamps. and I collect stamps from the letters I got.
Erna          :  What will you do if you got the same kind of stamps ?
Ririn          :  I only choose a stamps of each kind. So I will …… them.
a.     Take
b.     Keep
c.     Throw away
d.     Sort
37. Arrange the jumbled sentences to make a complete steps on how to make A simple Cheese Sauce.
1.     And then, Add the milk and stir constantly until the mixture gets thick.
2.     In a heated saucepan, melt butter until fully melted
3.     Next, add flour and mix until flour is completely blended with butter
4.     Finally, add as much cheese as you would like, but not too much. Keep stirring until completely melted.
5.     After that, add salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper to taste.
6.     When done, serve immadatelly
a.     2-3-1-5-4-6
b.     3-2-1-5-4-6
c.     2-5-4-3-1-6
d.     5-2-1-5-4-6
38. Farhan             :  Do you like doing an experiment ?
Yulianik    :  No, ……
a.     I enjoy it
b.     I am found of it
c.     I  hate it
d.     I want it
39. Diana               :  This text is vey difficult …..your dictionary, please ?
Doddy       :  Certainly, here you are
a.     Will I borrow
b.     May I borrow
c.     Do you like
d.     Do you want
40. Shinta              :  What is Amalia’s hobby ?
Yulli           :  Her hobby is gardening ….
a.     She likes planting some flowers
b.     She likes cooking soup
c.     She doesn’t like growing new plants
d.     She doesn’t like camping
41. You should put the fruits in the ….. it will keep them fresh

a.     Washing machine
b.     Wardrobe
c.     Vacuum cleaner
d.     refrigerator
42. Arrange the sentences into good order
1.     Give the  money to the cashier
2.     Bring the things home
3.     Keep the jacket and the bag to the bag keeper
4.     Take a basket or trolley and choose the things
5.     Give things to the cashier and the cashier checks the money to pay
6.     Don’t forget to take your jacket or bag
The correct arrangement is ….
a.     4-5-2-1-3-6
b.     3-4-5-1-5-6
c.     3-4-5-2-1-6
d.     3-4-1-2-6-5
43. Lisa  :  What about going to a sea-food restaurant, Dad ?
Dad  :   ……What will Daddy say to show that he doesn’t like sea-food?
a.     I am afraid I like fish
b.     I can’t stand eating sea-food
c.     I am really fond of eating fish
d.     Its menu doesn’t offer us man kinds of sea-food

Dewi Lestari is an amazing person. She ….. (44) a singer, song writer and a novelist. One of her most popular literary works is the “SUPERNOVA” series of novels. Have you read them? Dewi is also a guest speaker and presents  seminar both here in Indonesia and …… (45)

44. a.   will be
b.   Can be
c.   Is
d.   Likes
45. a.   Bandung
b.   Central Java
c.   In the world
d.  Overseas

B.      ESSAY
46.      arrange these word into a meaningful sentence
she – likes – to – traditional market – my – mother – to – go – the price – can bargain – because.
Answer :


47.      write an invitation letter from the situation given
Answer :


48.      you won a speech contest.  You invite your close friends to have dinner in your house.  Write a short message to your friend.  Tell him/her that you cannot come to his/her party tomorrow.  You will go to Bali.
Answer :


49.      Write a dialogue based on the following situation.
Situation : Aisyah asks Nabila whether she likes chicken steak or not. Nabila doesn’t’ like it. She prefers fried rice.
Answer :


50.      Arrange the following sentences into good paragraph !
a.     It is big and always clean
b.     It has four bathroom, eleven bedrooms, a living room, a diningroom, and three garage.
c.     There are some beautiful flowers in this garden
d.     He has a comfortable house
e.     Mr. Rama is a rich man
f.      It also has a large garden
Answer :

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